Sunday, April 02, 2006

Baby, it's spring outside

One must wonder if this is a 'yick' or a 'yum' face that my wee girl had when presented with the idea of an apple and rhubarb tarte tatin today.
We had glorious spring weather and Hans cooked sweet potatoes, corn, bread and garlic out on the grill. I limped (something wrong with my dang foot..long story with no ending in sight) into the kitchen and made a rhubarb and granny smith apple tarte tatin had just the right bit of tart for Spring.

Today was a perfect day for visiting friends and we saw our friends Laura, Kevin and their darling baby girl, Sadie. My daughter, Ella, gets all greedy and tries to keep all of her toys from Sadie. But now, Sadie is older and can talk, which means she can tell Ella just what she thinks about that kind of behavior. By the end of the visit Ella was hand feeding Sadie fortune cookies. And Sadie, I'm sure, felt the power and knew that she had tamed the Ella.

Our neighbors, Ms. Pat, Jackson and Nate came up for a spell and My son and Jackson rode their bikes in a billion circles on the driveway. I watch them until I feel too dizzy and must look up at the sky.

And finally, Hans' mother came to have dinner with us and chase the kids around the backyard. Hans' father has been in the hospital for four weeks now with an infection, so Hans wanted to cook his mama some dinner.

And tomorrow the children visit the dentist. So I'm going to start crossing my fingers now and hope that we don't have any fits (me or them!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! So lucky to have warm weather! It's still chilly here in the north and we're not safe from snow yet!

That is just the sweetest story about Ella! She quite a "picture postcard" as my grandmother used to say. You certainly did capture that exact moment of decision! Rhubarb is a big favorite here too... with the grown-ups!

Hope all is well!